 サイズ   西の内2枚版
 ■商品コード T-16030■


・Tsugaru Nishiki-e
  (traditional Japanese
  woodblock print)
 The Three Kingdoms
 Size: Nishi-Nouchi 2-page
 Product code T-16030
 ※She is one of the four
  most beautiful women
  in China.  

              ▶email order  
  • 価格は、「本体価格」表記です。別途、消費税が加算されます。
  • これらの津軽凧絵は、絵のみとなります。
  • 額入の場合、額の種類等により価格が異なりますので、ご相談ください。
  • サイズは、西の内の尺度となります。
  • All prices are listed in the table below. A separate consumption tax will be added.  
  • These Tsugaru kite paintings are paintings only.
    (It's not a kite with a frame.)
  • It may take several months depending on the busy season, so please contact us.
  • The price of a framed picture differs depending on the type of the frame, so please consult with us.
  • The size will be on a scale of Nishinouti (west inside).
    One sheet (333mm x 485mm) of Nishinouti (west inside) is two sheets of half-paper (243mm x 333mm).
  • 三国志の中でも、絶世の美女と巷間で称えられているのが貂蝉です。春秋時代の西施、前漢の王昭君、唐の楊貴妃らとともに、中国四大美女の一人に数え上げられる貂蝉。彼女は歌や舞踊に秀でた三国志随一の美女とされております。
  • 三国志の最高の美女貂蝉は王允の策略により董卓と呂布の仲違いをさせることに成功させます。これにより反董卓連合すら叶わなかった董卓討伐を可能にした訳ですが、その後の様子は未知とされています。
[The Three Kingdoms

  • In the Three Kingdoms, Tyousen is widely hailed as the most beautiful woman in the world. Tyousen is one of China's four great beauties, along with Xise of the Spring and Autumn periods, Wang Zhaojun of the Western Han dynasty, and Yang Guanxi of the Tang dynasty. She is said to be one of the most beautiful women of the Three Kingdoms who excelled in singing and dancing.

    Tyousen, the supreme beauty of the Three Kingdoms, succeeds in forcing Dong Taku and Lu Fu to fall out through Wang Yun's machinations. This made it possible to defeat Dong Taku, which had never even been able to achieve an anti-Dong Taku coalition, but what happened after that is unknown.