千客万来商売繁盛 招き猫
 サイズ   西の内1枚版
 ■商品コード T-16023■


・Business is prosperous
 with many customers
 The Beckoning Cat is
 a big kite [framed]


 Size: Nishi-Nouchi 1-
page edition
 Product code T-16023
              ▶email order  
  • 価格は、「本体価格」表記です。別途、消費税が加算されます。
  • これらの津軽凧絵は、絵のみとなります。
  • 額入の場合、額の種類等により価格が異なりますので、ご相談ください。
  • サイズは、西の内の尺度となります。
  • All prices are listed in the table below. A separate consumption tax will be added.  
  • These Tsugaru kite paintings are paintings only.
    (It's not a kite with a frame.)
  • It may take several months depending on the busy season, so please contact us.
  • The price of a framed picture differs depending on the type of the frame, so please consult with us.
  • The size will be on a scale of Nishinouti (west inside).
    One sheet (333mm x 485mm) of Nishinouti (west inside) is two sheets of half-paper (243mm x 333mm).
  • 左手挙げが「人招き」、右手挙げが「金招き」と言われますが、時代の変化を反映して「恋愛」「長寿」「宝くじ大当たり」などさまざまな御利益が付与されてきました。

  • 特に平成に入ってからは、空前のペットブームもあいまって、猫好きの人気を集め、実に多種多様な招き猫が作られるようになりました。

  • また、日本ばかりではなく、最近は東南アジアを始め、世界のあちこちで招き猫の姿が見られるようになってきました。

  • この説の由来は、江戸末期にある老婆が飼っていた愛猫にちなんだものです。

  • 貧しさのため手放してしまった愛猫が夢枕に現れ「自分の姿を人形にすれば福徳を授かる」と言い残したのが始まり。

  • 老婆がその言葉通りに、今戸焼で猫の人形を作って寺の参道で売りにだしたところ、大変な評判なったというこです。

  • 今戸神社では、現在でも「発祥の地」にちなんで、招き猫の絵馬など招き猫に関連したグッズが人気で、まさに参拝者を招き猫状態。

  • 実際に江戸時代には今戸焼の招き猫が確認されているそうなので、説としても有力候補といったところでしょうか。

A large kite with a cat
 that brings good luck
 and good fortune

  • It is said that the left hand maneuvering is " human beckoning" and the right hand maneuvering is " gold beckoning". In reflecting the changes of the times, various benefits such as "love", "longevity" and "lottery jackpot" have been granted.
  • Especially in the Heisei era, with the unprecedented pet boom, many kinds of Manekineko have been made.
    More and more artists are creating artworks based on the theme of beckoning cats.
    It is no exaggeration to say that the manekineko is the strongest lucky god in Japan now.
  • Recently, you can see Manekineko not only in Japan, but also in Southeast Asia and other parts of the world.Imado Shrine is located near the Sumida River in Asakusa.
    It is known for its good fortune in marriage, and you can find a sign that says it is the birthplace of a beckoning cat.
  • This theory was named after a cat owned by an old woman in the late Edo period.
    The story began when a beloved cat, who had been given up due to poverty, appeared in his dream and said, "If you make a doll of me, you will be blessed with good virtue.
  • An old woman did what she said and made cat dolls out of Imado-yaki and sold them on the approach to the temple, and they became very popular.
  • At Imado Shrine, goods related to the Manekineko, such as a Manekineko picture card, are still popular, and they invite visitors to visit the shrine.
  • It is said that the maneki-neko of Imado-yaki was actually confirmed in the Edo period, so it might be a strong candidate as a theory.
